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Is moderating blog comments really worth your hard work, time and effort? Here’s some more info why perhaps you shouldn’t turn off those comments just yet.
So you want to get your website on page 1 of Google, but you're not sure how? Well, you've come to the right place! Let's start with a quick summary on how Google and other search engines work so you can be on your way to Page 1!
Have you ever wondered what that little blurb of text that followed the title when you searched for something on Google? That is called a Meta description. For those who aren’t familiar with meta descriptions, keep reading below!
Have you ever gone to a party or event, took a quick look, and decided to just leave? Did you ever think later what if I missed out on something? Or what I was just being too judgmental? Chances are probably not. You made your decision and went with it.
Your “bounce rate” is the same thing when it comes to your website. It’s the percentage of visitors who come to your website (home page, blog post, sales page, landing page, etc.) and leave without engaging with any content, filing out your opt in form, or clicking through to another page.
So why should you optimize your images?
Google Image Search only gets a small piece of Google’s overall traffic, but since the search results are now blended, images can generate a lot more traffic than you might think.
So if you search for a particular thing or subject matter (‘chocolate chip cookies’), you could see images in the standard listings without ever having to click on the Images tab.
Now is the time to get your images optimized for SEO success.
When I ask my clients this question “What keyword or phrase should I type into Google that you want your business or brand to be known for?” about 90% of them have no idea how to answer me.
If this sounds like you, that’s totally ok. You don’t have to be an SEO ninja to figure it out. The fact that you can discover how many people per month are searching for something, what words they're using, and what questions they're asking in search still boggles my mind!
Keyword research doesn’t have to be a painful process and I am going to show you 5 easy hacks that connect you with your target audience in no time.

Hello there, I'm Melissa McGraw! An online biz and SEO strategist teaching business owners how to get their businesses found online. Learn more...